Tickets Available


Tickets are now available for the WBC and associated events,
officially hosted by Confédération Française de la Boucherie (CFBCT) in Paris, France, including:

  • World Champion Butchers’ Apprentice & Young Butcher Competition (30 March), €30

  • World Butchers Challenge (31 March, 2025), €30

  • Combined World Butchers Challenge event & World Champion Butchers’ Apprentice & Young Butcher Competition, €50

  • WBC Study Tour (25 - 28 March), €920
    (Note: ticket to the VIP & Team Cocktail Welcome included in this price)

  • Official WBC Team & VIP Cocktail Welcome (27 March), €90

  • WBC Gala Dinner (1 April), €195

Click button to reserve tickets and see below for more information.

Please note that tickets are available for reservation until the end of August when you will be billed for your existing orders and any remaining tickets will be available to purchase direct from the website. This is to allow us the chance to ensure all teams have fair access to the Gala Dinner which we expect to be a sell-out.


More information

Study tour

25-28 March, 2025
Click here for study tour inclusions

Team & Vip welcome cocktail

Thursday 27 March, 2025
Salons of the City Hall of Paris at 6:00pm

Gala dinner

Tuesday 1 April, 2025
Paradis Latin Cabaret at 6 :00PM